Saturday, July 30, 2011

Portland Options for Car Donation

When wanting to get rid of old vehicles, car donation is a solid choice. It could encourage tax write-offs if you decide to donate your cars to charities recognized by the IRS. This alone has made donating cars an intriguing option. Portland, Oregon has plenty of charities in which to choose from ready and willing to accept that profitable new old car.

Here are the following charities in Portland recognized by the IRS that will allow you to take advantage of tax deductions:


United Way of the Mid Willamette Valley - a socio civic organization that helps the hungry, jobless, elderly, children, and many other groups. It is one of Oregon's most well-known institutions.

Urban Homesteading Assistance Board - helps those with financial problems find a home they could own. Many of its funds are used for housing programs and 0% interest loans for families in need.

There are also Boys and Girls Club chapters in Portland your donated car can help. Many of these charities can either have members use them or sell them off and make use of the money made from the sale. Along the same token, tax deductions are plentiful when it comes to donating cars through Portland charities. If the charity decides to auction your donated car, you will receive a tax deduction equal to its selling price. The fair market value of the car is given to you if they decide to use it instead as well. It's a win win situation overall.

Tax situation is different for everyone, it would be advisable to ask your tax expert in Portland on how a car donation would be benefial to you. It's surprising to see how different just one car donation can make. Do you know that you will get the maximum tax credit when you donate your old used car or any vehicle or automobile to car donation centres in Portland? Most of these organizations combined their knowledge of the auto industry with a desire to advance philanthropic causes through car donations, auto donations and other charitable contributions. Non-profit organizations are in constant need of additional funds and you can help with your car donations.

In any case, you would still get the benefit of tax deductions. If a charity programs decided to auction the vehicle that you have donated, you would be entitled to a tax writeoff where it is usually the equivalent to the selling price of the same. If the charity chose to use the car for a specific charity reason, you will usually get a tax write off equivalent to the fair market value of the car.

Just visit our website for more information on Car Donation Portland and related information.

Portland Options for Car Donation

For more information on Car Donation in Portland or visit, a popular website that offers information on Car Donation Programs and Car Donation Charities. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks


Car Donation Tax Deductions

There are many nonprofit charitable organizations that accept car donations. Some of the vehicles are broken apart for parts, while some are used as part of a ?wheels to work? program that provides transportation to help people get to work. Other nonprofit organizations will sell your donated car and use the proceeds from the sale of your vehicle to fund important job training and employment programs for people with disabilities and other disadvantaged conditions that keep them from being successful in the workplace.

In the past, you were able to donate a vehicle and receive tax credit for the fair market value of the vehicle you donated. A new law that took effect January 1, 2005 changed the tax deduction process to make it harder to claim the full value of your donated vehicle. Today, the new law states that you will only be able to deduct the proceeds the charity gets from the sale of the car minus the cost of necessary repairs. The charity must provide the donor written acknowledgement of receipt of the vehicle, as well as the sale price of the vehicle. This could be problematic because the sale price of the car will be significantly less than the true market value of the vehicle. Charitable organizations disapprove of this new law because it will discourage many potential donors, thus hurt the charity. However, it should not discourage potential donors if the charity is their favorite nonprofit, and they know that they are truly helping people get back on their feet. A tax- deduction is nothing compared to helping someone in need.


The only way to deduct the full fair market value of your vehicle is if the charity does not sell your donated vehicle. It the charity uses your vehicle for a program like ?wheels to work? and acknowledges your donation in writing, you can claim the full fair market value.

Car Donation Tax Deductions

Car Donations provides detailed information on Car Donations, Used Car Donations, Charity Car Donations, Car Donation Tax Deduction and more. Car Donations is affiliated with Donate a Used Vehicle.


Friday, July 29, 2011

How To Turn An Old Car Into The Best Car Donation Tax Deduction

A car donation made to a reputable charity greatly benefits the charity and the donor. If the car donation is accepted, the charity takes care of towing expenses and provides you with the essential documents for your tax purposes. Car donation or charity car donation or used car donation or charitable car donation or donating a car to charity is the practice of giving away no-longer-wanted cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles and other vehicles to charity organizations.

Some car donors in need of a new vehicle even buy recently donated and repaired vehicles. You can get a car donation tax deduction up to the limits allowed by the IRS. Regardless of the laws, it's a good idea to protect yourself by having insurance coverage on your vehicle until it's donated.


Make sure you have the title to the vehicle handy when you call in your donation. And when you donate a car, you know you'll get it off your property within a couple of days, clearing out much needed garage, driveway or yard space.

Some charities that run the program instead of hiring a car donation program middleman are discriminating about which vehicles they accept, repair and materially improve, and they sell most of the vehicles at retail. One of the exceptions to the new IRS regulations allows donors to still deduct the fair market value of their vehicle, provided the charity materially improves the vehicle. Charities look at car donations from both the point of view of the donor of the car, and the charity receiving it.

Just fill out the forms the charity gives you and have them ready for the driver when he comes to pick the car up. Best of all, by not selling your car yourself, you don't have to worry about total strangers calling you to get information about where you live, or coming to your house to see the car or other vehicle. If you have an unused vehicle sitting around, you never know when a storm might cause damage or your vehicle might get vandalized, or if on the street that it gets involved in an accident

Cars that are not being used make good donations, enabling many less fortunate people to have a means of transportation. If you don't intend to deduct the vehicle donation on your tax return, no further action is essential. For one thing your vehicle must have all four of its tires inflated to be accepted.

Some charity car donations may not qualify for the tax exemption because of their condition. If it's necessary to go through a middleman, find out what percentage of your donation will go to charity and shop around for the best deal. A charity car donation is usually picked up within one or two days of submitting the donation form.

There are similar charitable donation laws in all countries. The new rules allow the donor to deduct only the amount the charity receives for the vehicle. Certain commercial firms and trade organizations publish guides known as "blue books," that state average resale prices based on the model and year of your vehicle.

Don't let your unused vehicle go to waste just sitting. Cars are donated to the recipients directly or they are sold and the money is given away as charity. In wear and tear, minor repairs and breakdowns, an average vehicle owner might spend more than 00 per year.

And when you donate a car to charity, you know you'll get it off your property within a couple of days, clearing out much needed garage, driveway or yard space. A tax deduction is an important consideration for you when donating a vehicle to a charity - you should check out the charity, check out the value of your vehicle and see what your responsibilities are as a donor. If you think that donating an old car is a good way to ease your tax situation then check into it today.

How To Turn An Old Car Into The Best Car Donation Tax Deduction

For more information on choosing the best charity car donation, car donation program, used car donation or charitable car donation online and offline go to for charity and tax deduction tips, help, facts, reviews, including information on all types of car donation


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Receiving Charity Car Donations

A car donation involves donating a used vehicle to a charity organization. Charity is extended in many forms such as clothes, furniture and even cars. Cars are donated to the recipients directly or they are sold, and the money is given away in charity. Many people prefer to donate used cars to help society.

These non-profit making organizations aim at serving injured, homeless and helpless people by taking care of their needs. Car donations are common fund raising events all over the world. A car donation program serves as a mediator between the donor and the charity organization. It enables the vehicle to be available for more than one charitable organization to view and avail of.


The process of donating a car under a car donation program is usually pretty simple. The donation can be made online by filling out a form or by calling a toll free number. A towing company picks up the vehicle at a particular date and time suitable to both parties. It is essential that the donated car have a clear title and relevant documents. Once the car is picked up and is in the possession of the institutions, a donation receipt is issued to the donor within ten working days.

Car donations benefit the donors, as they are tax deductible. In order to claim a tax deduction, a tax-deductible donation receipt has to be presented at tax time. The tax deduction is either based on the fair market value of the car or the amount for which the donated car is sold by the organization. Donation also helps car owners to avoid the difficulties associated with selling a used car. Intricacies such as looking for a buyer, advertising and having to entertain unknown buyers in a home are eliminated.

Receiving Charity Car Donations

Car Donations provides detailed information on Car Donations, Used Car Donations, Charity Car Donations, Car Donation Tax Deduction and more. Car Donations is affiliated with Donate a Used Vehicle.


Drive Cancer Away With a Cancer Car Donation

A car donation can help so many people. There might be someone you know who is suffering or who has suffered with cancer in the past. The American Cancer Society needs funds in order to fund the research, and your donation can help.

Instead of trading or selling your used vehicle, why not give a car donation. You can usually write off your generous gift on your taxes and you can have the satisfaction of knowing you are helping a worthy cause. When you give your vehicle away you are aiding in the fight of this devastating disease by allowing the proceeds from the donation to be used for patient services and programs, research to find a cure for cancer and the education that is needed for the public to understand this deadly disease.


You can find many places on the web for vehicle donation. You can go to the American Cancer Society website and they will have all the information and the forms you need to fill out in order for a cancer car donation. You may have done many things in the past to help to contribute to cancer fighting research such as doing a cancer walk or privately donating money, but the proceeds from a donation can go a long way to helping organizations that are dedicated to patient care and their families.

There are some restrictions though. These restrictions are that the car must be in fair condition and have four tires that are inflated. You will also need to have the keys to the car as well.

Giving to others is a feeling that can be described. Especially when it comes to cancer, there is no greater gift you can give than to help anyone in need. Someday you may need the services that these organizations provide, and you will feel good knowing you have given your share in the fight against cancer.

Drive Cancer Away With a Cancer Car Donation

For more information about Cancer Car Donation, feel free to visit us at:


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Car Donation Programs - Look Before You Donate

Hundreds of charities have begun to adopt car donation programs as a way to raise funds or to provide themselves with no-cost vehicles to help operate their programs. But rather than managing the car donation programs themselves, they will often turn to fundraising organizations to actually handle the donation and auctioning of the vehicles. And that policy can mean a problem for you.

If you run an Internet search on car donation programs, you will get hundreds of hits from fundraisers who claim that they will let you choose from among a group of charities to which the proceeds of your car's sale, of not the car itself, will go. And they will give you the paperwork you need to claim your car donation as a charitable deduction on your IRS return.


Taking Advice From The IRS

But the IRS itself, in recent years, has become alarmed at the proliferation of car donation programs run by fundraisers which end up keeping the bulk of the proceeds they receive for donated cars. The IRS recommends that it you are considering any of the car donation programs, you contact the people running it and get a clear answer as to whether they are charity officials, or private group acting for the charity.

If you find that they are a private group running the car donation programs of several charities, find out exactly what they plan to do with the car you donate. Will the car be repaired and given to the charity to help in its work? Or do the fundraisers intend to auction the car off and if so, how much of the proceeds will go to the fundraisers, and how much to the charity?

Car donation programs which cannot, or will not, give you clear answers to these questions are not those on which you can depend to see that your ca, or the money it brings gets, to the charity of your choosing. And if the charity does not directly receive the car or its value, you do not have the right to claim the value of the car as a deduction.

Legitimate car donation programs greatly simplify the process of connecting you with a charity which will benefit from your gift. But it's your responsibility to research the various car donation programs in you area and ensure that as much a possible of your car's value will be channeled to the charity, and that the charity itself is one recognized by the IRS. Otherwise, your well-intended car donation may turn into a big problem at tax time, when you attempt to take an unwarranted deduction!

Car Donation Programs - Look Before You Donate

You can also find more info on Melwood Car Donation and Used Car Donation. is a comprehensive resource to know about Car Donation.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Salvation Army Car Donation

Since 1880 the Salvation Army has been looking for new and innovative ways to receive funding for their cause. Their Car Donation Program is one of the most effective. When looking to donate a used car, there is no better organization than the Salvation Army. With their multiple locations nation wide, donating a car is a easy, tax-deductible, and gives money to an important cause.

car donation

One of the great benefits of the Salvation Army Car Donation program is that they take and process any car, even if it no longer runs. Better yet, they will tow the car at no charge. The program also allows local drop offs at their many sites in the area. Once towed, the Salvation Army will auction the car to help fund their other programs, such as their drug and alcohol rehabilitation program located in Northern Virginia.


Besides cars, the program will also take trucks, SUV's, boat, trailers, RV's, and small planes. Contact them if the condition or make and model of the car might give some doubt on a successful donation.

A word of caution with this donation program. If the title of the car is not in the donor's name, they cannot accept the donation. If the title is lost, be sure to get a replacement at a local Department of Motor Vehicles. All donations are tax-deductible and will result in an amount that is equal to the amount sold at auction. The Salvation Army will alert the donor of the selling price.

If donating cars to this organization seems right, feel free to contact them through their car donation program. Call their toll free number at 1-800-95 TRUCK to speak to someone today.

Salvation Army Car Donation

Or, click here to be directed to another reputable charity you can donate your car to, quickly and easily.


Helping The Disabled With A Melwood Car Donation

The Melwood Car Donation program is designed to assist Melwood in its work with the disabled. Melwood, located in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, has spent the last four decades working to improve the lives of developmentally disabled people in the Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia regions, and is devoted to helping the disabled find a functioning place in their communities.

Developmental disabilities are those which prevent children from being able to participate in their educational and social experiences in the same way as their non-disabled peers, and Melwood realizes that disabled children, when given a different sort of training, can become contributing members of society. Melwood has established the Melwood car donation program as a way to fund their various undertakings on behalf of the disabled.


100% of the proceeds from the Melwood car donation program are earmarked for the financing of projects to aid the developmentally disabled; these projects range from educational to recreational, to research, to finding employment opportunities. Everything Melwood does is aimed at letting the disabled realize their potential instead of dwelling on their shortcomings.

How To Make A Melwood Car Donation

Melwood has gone out of its way to make the Melwood car donation process as user friendly it can. You can begin your Melwood car donation either by calling their toll-free number at 1-877-MELWOOD to be walked through the process one step at a time, or you can visit the Melwood car donation website at:


The Melwood car donation website contains all the online forms you'll need to accomplish most of the process without leaving your computer. Even better, once all the details have been arranged, Melwood will take care of having it picked up.

How your Donation Will Benefit You

Your Melwood car donation will not only be a tremendous gift to the developmentally disabled; it will benefit you in the form of a tax deduction. Melwood will sell your car to help fund its work, and you will be able to write off the full amount of the sale on your next tax return. As long as you itemize your deductions, you can take a sizeable one for your Melwood car donation.

Since the Melwood car donation program began, over 150,000 vehicles have been donated to assist Melwood in assisting the developmentally disabled. The amount of good that has done is immeasurable, and you can keep the traditions going by adding your old car to the list!

Helping The Disabled With A Melwood Car Donation

You can also find more info on Car Donation In Portland and Car Donation Programs. is a comprehensive resource to know about Car Donation.