Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cash Benefits Of A Car Donation

You may think that getting cash out of your car donation seems to be an ironic idea but it is possible. Donating your car for charity is truly an act of altruism and the non-monetary rewards for you are boundless. Yet one cannot deny that there are self-serving benefits to donating your car to charity. Some of these benefits may be cash or cash equivalent benefits. Donating your car is a practical solution to disposing an old and unneeded property. Through it, you can convert your property into cash, contribute to your community, free up your garage space, and save on future maintenance costs. If you are getting the help of car donation services companies, this will be done for you worry-free, effort-free and cost-free, at times. All of this is translated to savings (of time, effort and expense) which is a cash equivalent.

Another cash or cash equivalent benefit of your car donation is the tax benefit you can get through your donation. The IRS came up with compensation in the form of tax write offs, as an incentive for people who donate an old car to help the needy. You will be allowed to claim as a tax deduction the equivalent of the fair market value of your car up to 0 or the equivalent of the gross selling price of your car. You may not see the money physically by receiving such compensation in actual, cold cash but it is a great welcome cash savings off the taxes you have to pay, thus a cash equivalent.


On the extreme, if you are really looking at receiving real cash out of your cash donation, some companies do offer partial cash payment to donors. This payment comes from the proceeds of the sale and is usually reserved for high value donations, i.e., properties of high value resulting to high sales proceeds when sold to the market. It is used as a form of incentive for you to donate properties of high value. Your charity receives a potentially higher grant and you, as donor, will receive some cash rewards from it too.

Cash Benefits Of A Car Donation

For more information about Car Donation Cash, feel free to visit us at:


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Utilize a Car Donation Program for Easy Disposal of Your Old Car

Let's face it, when you want to sell your old car it can become a pain in the neck quickly. You make appointments and change your plans and no one shows up. You spend your time home from work on the phone fielding ridiculous requests just to get one good prospect who is the one who never shows up. You can eliminate the stress and problems with trying to sell your old car simply by finding a car donation program.

Finding a car donation program should be fairly easy as there are many charities that set up this kind of donation. Many charities will come to your home and remove your old car with no out of pocket expense to you. There are very little restrictions when you look for a car donation program to utilize your old car for the good of others. Most charities that run a car donation program only require that you have four inflated tires.


When you give your car to a charity you will feel good about contributing to other people. Many times we take for granted all the good things we have in our lives and being reminded that everyone isn't quite as lucky as you are can be a good thing. Many charities will sell the used car at auction and use the proceeds for whatever programs they run.

You can find so many different charities that target different groups to help. You can choose a charity that has meaning in some way for you. If you have lost someone to the ravaging disease of cancer you can donate your used car to a cancer research car donation program. Within the cancer research community you will find many specific car donation programs too.

If your interest lies with wildlife, you can find a car donation program that caters to reintroducing animals back into the wild. Your car can fund a rehabilitation program for abandoned or abused animals. Think how good that can make you feel.

Another benefit of searching for a car donation program is that you can usually use your generous gift to others as a tax write off when tax time rolls around. Check with a professional who knows the laws concerning donating a car in your state.

Utilize a Car Donation Program for Easy Disposal of Your Old Car

For more information about Car Donation Program, feel free to visit us at:


Used Car Charity Donations

Car donation for charities has become very common these days. Most people prefer to donate their old, used, car for charity instead of going through the hassles of selling it. Since the proceeds of the donation would be used for a worthy cause, this is generally a noble way of getting rid of an old car.

Making a car donation has become very easy with most charity houses making the process easier. There are online application forms, hassle-free processing and even easier procedures from the IRS for such Noncash Charitable Contributions. Car donations are accepted by many charity houses. These organizations sell the cars and use the proceeds for some charitable causes. Some organizations simply sell the cars and then distribute the proceeds among other charity organizations.


Donating your used car can also help you to get some deductions on your taxes. You can claim the car's fair market value if the car is worth less than 0 or it is in good working condition. You can claim deduction equal to the actual sale price of the car is the car is worth more than 0. However, before donating, ensure that the donation program is a qualified, 501(c)3 IRS registered charity since only such programs are eligible for tax deductions. Information about such charity programs can be obtained from the IRS website or in the Publication 78 that is available at most public libraries. If the total donation is worth more than 0, then a separate form (8283) has to be filled.

Determine the value of the car meant for donation. This can be done by checking the blue book value. Take the condition of the car into consideration while determining its value. Most charity organizations take donated cars for free, but there are some which charge certain fees. Make sure you have the title for the car. Many charity houses are providing services like free car pick-up and towing from any location.

There are many organizations that accept used car donations. Information about can be found in yellow pages or through advertisements. The Internet is a very good source for finding information about used car charity donations. Moreover, the donation process can also be initiated online.

Used Car Charity Donations

Charity Car Donations provides detailed information on Charity Car Donations, Child Charity Car Donations, Catholic Charity Car Donations, Used Car Charity Donations and more. Charity Car Donations is affiliated with Charity Car Donations.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Car Donation Charities That Handle Car Donations

Car donation to a non-profit organization is and has been an overlooked opportunity to benefit on both sides of this contribution for many years. The car donor and the recipient benefit simultaneously. The person who donates their car to charity can deduct a value from their taxable income and the recipient obviously benefits by making use of the vehicle.

Car donation can include virtually any vehicle you wish to donate. You can donate a car, donate a truck, donate a motorcycle, and even recreation vehicles like a boat or an RV.


Donating a car to charity is a great way to rid your driveway of an unused vehicle, plus you are clearing the clutter around your home. There's no need to accumulate cars that could be donated to charity.

Helping the less fortunate and knowing that you have contributed by improving their quality of life with a tangible gift, one that they can put to good use, is far more personal and you can be assured that the donation has gone directly to a recipient. So many charities have administrative costs and fees that often consume cash donations and the intended recipients may not actually see the fruits of your efforts.

Car donation charities actually enlist the help of towing companies specifically, for pick-up and delivery of donated cars, to make the car donation process all the more convenient for the car donor.

If you currently donate to a charity such as the American Heart Association, Saint Jude hospital, American Cancer Society, or any number of organizations, you can donate your car and designate what charity you want to the contribution to benefit. That way you can be specific about who receives your donation. Giving becomes much easier when you know where your money is going and being spent.

Each state has car donation organizations in place for donating, pick-up, and delivery of your unwanted vehicles. To learn more about car donations and their benefits, visit the blog listed below.

Car Donation Charities That Handle Car Donations

Learn more about Car Donation Charities and where you can share your vehicle donations with those in need: or


Car Donation Tax Deduction - 3 Best Tips to Help You Donate Your Car

If you're thinking about donating your car or truck to a local or national charity, here are a few tips that you should know. There are a few problems you can avoid if you do a little research first. Ultimately your goal may be to gain a good car donation tax deduction. The change in the tax laws make it easier now to get a good deduction.

1. How the car donation charity uses your donated car. Decide whether it's important to you or not if you know how the charity is going to use your car. If so, you may want to give them a call. They may sell it on a used car lot they maintain or farm it out to a charity car donation program or sell it on their own car lot. They may use the car to transport people or goods for their charitable work. Or they may give the car to a needy individual.


2. How much money will the charity actually get from you car donation. If the charity plans to sell the car it will probably not get the 'blue book' value of the car. There also will be expenses directly related to the sale - newspaper classified ads or their car lot costs, both which will reduce the negotiated selling price

If they farm it out to a car donation charity program, they've contracted with, to sell then they will get a lot less for it. And of course if they use it themselves or give it away then their won't be a monetary gain.

3. Before you donate your car to any charity you want to make sure it's a legitimate charity. If it's a large national organization then there will be less of a problem. If it's a local charity then you may have to do some checking. You want to make sure they're eligible to receive contributions that are tax deductible, so you'll receive the car donation tax deduction. So ask them if they have the "letter of determination" from the IRS.

Many charities accept cars, truck, and other vehicles and are not tied into providing you with a tax deduction. Make sure to find this out in advance.

These are just a few of the tips you'll need to know if you plan to donate your car to a charity. Make sure to do a little research first to make sure you understand just how much you may get for your car donation tax deduction if they sell it, give it away or keep it.

Car Donation Tax Deduction - 3 Best Tips to Help You Donate Your Car

For more tips on choosing the best charity car donation, car donation program, used car donation or charitable car donation online and offline go to for charity and tax deduction tips, help, facts, reviews, including information on all types of car donation


How a Car Donation Can Help a Child in Need

You may not have thought of it, but one great way that you can help out a charity is with a car donation. If you have a car sitting on your driveway that you don't need any longer and you want to get rid of it, then why not think about giving it away and save yourself having to pay for it to be towed away? Simply call the charity and they will arrange to collect your vehicle from your property. They will even arrange for one of their nationwide towing associates to come and collect your car for free, so you won't even have to pay to have it removed.

When you donate your car to charity, the charity will give you a tax deductible receipt and the towing associate will offer to give you a free Visa gift card. The car will then be taken and the charity will try to convert it into one that can be used safely on the roads. Once the car is usable again, the charity will sell it and then use the profits to help the lives of children that are in need throughout the country.


Feel Good

Everybody likes to feel good, and it can make you feel great to help out a charity. It is even better when you give something that you don't want knowing it can help to make a real difference to somebody else. Why not feel really great and dispose of that unwanted car or truck that is just cluttering up your driveway, and without having to pay for the privilege?

Speedy Process

Once you have made your phone call offering a charity car donation, then you will get a call within the next 24 hours to schedule collection with a local towing company. A team of volunteers will do all the work, so all you have to do is make the one phone call and they will do the rest. So don't delay, start the process to get rid of that unwanted car today.

Benefits to You

If you donate your old car to charity, then it is tax deductible. This means that you will have more money in your pocket to spend on the things that your family needs. The value of your tax deduction will depend on the age and condition of your vehicle as well as its make and model-some cars are simply worth more than others. In addition, if there is any damage to the car, it will cost more to get it into usable condition, and that will depreciate the value of your tax deduction.

Car donation is a new way that you can make a real difference to the lives of children in need. By handing over your unwanted car, or truck, you can get rid of something you don't use or need and raise some money for charity at the same time. And in the end, isn't helping another person in need what it's all about?

How a Car Donation Can Help a Child in Need

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST POPULAR website advertising companies on the web.
Learn more about Car Donation.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kidney Foundation Car Donation

If you have been a driver on the road for a while and your vehicle is on it's last leg, do not discard it just yet. There are other options for getting rid of your car besides throwing it away in a trash dump, where it will turn into a rusting pile of junk metal. Though throwing away your car may seem like the most obvious solution, it is in fact not the best way to dispose of your car.

There are many people all over the country who do not have the financial means to buy a car, even a used car. These people may have trouble getting to their jobs or to school because they have no way of getting there. One of the best ways to give to charity if you have an old car is to give your car to a kidney foundation car donation center so that your old car can find a family or person who is in need of your old car. These kidney foundation donation centers will match up your old car with a person who cannot afford to buy one. This is a very charitable action that gets rid of your old car while supplying a family in need with a car, reduces pollution by saving the car from ending up in the dump and it reduces your taxes because car donation is tax deductible.


All you have to do to find your nearest Kidney Foundation car donation center is to look it up in the phone book or on the internet. Once you have found your nearest donation center, simply give them a call and fill out an application form to see if your car is in good enough shape to donate. Once you have filled out the application you can then donate the car to the center.

Kidney Foundation Car Donation

Click here to be directed to a reputable charity you can donate your car to, quickly and easily.