Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Catholic Charities Car Donation

If you drive a car and decide that you want to get a new one it is a poor idea to have it brought to the dump as garbage. More and more today there are new ways to recycle your old things instead of throwing them out. Recycling saves the earth because it reduces pollution and as the saying goes, "one man's trash is another man's treasure."

In the case of your car, your trash is surely another man's treasure because there are many people throughout the world who need a car and cannot afford one. Many families who run into financial trouble need a car to be able to get to work or they need a car for their families to be able to get to school. These families can sometimes be found at your local church or in your neighborhood. It is so much nicer to be able to donate your car to someone in need rather than to throw it away. Throwing away the car would be a huge waste when there is opportunity to help someone instead.


If you are trying to get rid of your car and you don't know where to go to donate your car your local Catholic church is a great place to start to find a family to donate the car to. There are many catholic charities car donation programs that will take your old car and find a family who is in need of a car to give it to. Contact your catholic church and ask them if they have a car donation program or if they know of a car donation program so you can donate your car to someone else in the church or to see if the church can find a family in need so your old car can go to them.

To donate your car from anywhere in the country visit us at our Car Donation charity website.

Catholic Charities Car Donation



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