Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Purple Heart Car Donation - Assisting Wounded and Disabled Veterans in Need

Have you considered donating your vehicle to charity to support veterans? When a guy walks up to you with a sign claiming that he is a disabled veteran, you do not simply offer him the keys to your car. While it would make for an amusing story, there are better, tax-deductible ways to donate your car to charitable organizations that serve our nation's veterans, such as the Purple Heart Car Donation program.

Purple Heart Car Donation has everything to do with aiding war veterans who have suffered injuries as a result of their service. In some cases, the disabilities they have suffered are relatively minor, however in other cases, the wounds they have are so severe, they can not hold down a regular job, and have to rely on government help from the Veterans Administration. Even medical conditions that arise in the course of serving our country that we can consider minor, such as nerve damage or posttraumatic stress disorder, can completely disrupt the lives of veterans who return to the civilian lifestyle with the sole goal of making an honest living.


Purple heart car donation serves at least two different purposes. As it regards the veterans themselves, the car that you donate can enable them to have basic mobility that they may not be able to have, if all of the income that they receive consists of VA benefits. A lot of veterans live in a sort of limbo, in which they make just enough that they can support themselves (or be supported by their benefits) to a meager extent, but not quite enough to enjoy any sort of comfort, or supplement their income through part time work. This is especially the case during tough economic times when jobs are scarce. Some veterans, who are only partially disabled, can still work part time and earn enough to live more comfortably. And purple heart car donation makes this a reality for many of them.

Also, sometimes your donated vehicle may be sold at auction. This, in turn, makes money that the charities who handle Purple Heart car donation can use to fund programs to help these veterans in a number of different ways. For one thing, the programs can consist of helping these veterans to learn new skills. And for another, these programs can assist these veterans in finding jobs using the new skills that they have learned. Either way, donating your old vehicle to those veterans who have proudly and honorably served our country is simply paying it forward in your patriotic duty for those who have gone to war to secure our own personal freedoms.

There are two easy ways to get the ball rolling on donating your car, truck, RV, or any vehicle to assist wounded and disabled veterans: You can fill out a donation form on the Web through their official website or call Purple Heart Cars hotline to schedule vehicle pickup.

Purple Heart Car Donation - Assisting Wounded and Disabled Veterans in Need

Purple Heart Car Donation is just one of the most worthwhile ways that you can give back to others in need. Learn all the ins and outs of how to donate cars to charity from tax write offs to getting cash for your old clunker through visiting our website.



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